BarCampHyderabad3 is in the third in the series of Barcamps being organized in
Starting with Bharat and DD Ganguly from DimDim, there were many speakers this time compared to the previous one, but mostly are duos from the same company – Jay Pullur and Ramesh from Pramati, Kapil and Vishnu from Slideshare, Brijesh and Jaiganesh from Infosys, and Ashish and Vignesh from my employer, Cordys.
The theme of this bar camp was, in my opinion, debate! Yes, there were debates almost for every presentation right from the beginning. The initial one (kick-off by Ramesh Loganathan) was itself delayed by about 40 minutes with many talks and questions in between. Bharat started his presentation on DimDim but never completed it, and was taken over by DimDim’s CEO DD Ganguly. The most argued one was Jay Pullur’s session on rich web-desktop, which took more than an hour to recede.
The one with least questions might be Janakiraman (on MSN Live Bots - a re-telecast from DEVCON 2006), which is mainly because we were busy laughing on the Bollywood BOT and its cute answers :-)
The most techie stuff was a presentation by Vishnu on Java-Ruby and the most interesting was Ashish’s presentation on Web 2.0 People. His presentation is completely non-technical and mind boggling. I didn’t see the presentation when he prepared it, waiting for a surprise and I got it as I wanted :-)
The grand finale was by Vignesh, whose presentation was one of the very best I’ve seen in recent times. It was so good that the discussion still continued even after the presentation was over! We almost felt its yet another “Cordys Day” :-)
For someone who attended BarCamp2, this must be a disappointing experience, for there are no sponsors, no freebies and no T-shirts.
But leaving the rest, there was at least some good memories of visiting a nice campus (Infosys), a couple of T-Shirts from Slideshare and some good questions to ponder, triggered by Ashish :-)